About 4 years and 9 months.
Oh, dude, the nearest thousand to 1826 is 2000. Like, it's not rocket science or anything. So, if you were trying to round that number, there you go.
John Adams was born on October 30, 1735 in Braintree, Massachusetts. He died on July 4, 1826 in Quincy, Massachusetts.
2nd US president John Adams (1735-1826) was born on October 30, 1735. He died on July 4, 1826 (age 90), coincidentally on the same day as his successor Thomas Jefferson (age 83). The year 2015 marked the 280th anniversary of his birth.
John Adams (1735-1826) was, along with Thomas Jefferson, one of only two signers of the Declaration of Independence later to become president.
He was 91 years old. He was born on October 30th, 1735 and he died at July 4th, 1826.
1735 as a percent = 1735 * 100% = 173500%
== == John Adams, Jr. (October 30, 1735 - July 4, 1826) served as America's first Vice President (1789-1797) and as its second President (1797-1801).
John Adams (1735-1826) was the President in 1799, and his Vice-President was Thomas Jefferson. If Adams had died, Jefferson would have assumed the Presidency (as he did anyway in 1801).
It is: 1735 = MDCCXXXV
1, 5, 347, 1735
Herbert Hoover. John Adams was 91 when he died. (1735- 1826) Herbert Hoover was 90 when he died. (1874- 1964) Therefore Herbert Hoover lived shorter (about a year.).
President John Adams was born on October 30, 1735.