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Ok, the first thing that you need to be aware of is that there will be a difference depending on the order that you perform the calculations.

18 divided by 3 is 6. 6 times 2 is 12. 12 divided by 1 is 12. This is one way to do it.

However, another way is: 18 divided by (3 times 2) which would be 18 divided by 6 which is 3. 3 divided by 1 is 3.

So it is important to know the order in which to carry out the calculations. Mathematicians have agreed an order in which to calculate the different operations (i.e. whether to multiply or divide first etc...)

So, if your question looks like: What is 18/(3*2) / 1 then you will do it the second way and get 3. This is because you must work out the result of what is in a bracket first.

If nothing is bracketed then, when the order would alter the result, mathematicians calculate a division before a multiplication, so we would do it the first way and the answer would be 12.

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