

What is 18 exponent 0?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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13y ago

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All (ordinary) numbers to the power of 0 are equal to 1.

180 = 1

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Q: What is 18 exponent 0?
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What is 18 in exponent form?

there is no exponent form for it u have to put 2x9

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The exponent is 4, the base is 18. (184 = 104,976).

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It is not enough to look at the base. This is because a^x is the same as (1/a)^-x : the key is therefore a combination of the base and the sign of the exponent.0 < base < 1, exponent < 0 : growth0 < base < 1, exponent > 0 : decaybase > 1, exponent < 0 : decaybase > 1, exponent > 0 : growth.

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If a number (other than 0) has 0 as an exponent, it equals 1! It may be hard to believe but it is true, no matter what number. If a number has no exponent, there is basically an invisible 1 as the exponent, so the number would be equal to itself. Zero with the exponent zero is meaningless.

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... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...In summary, any integer that you use as an exponent is an "integral exponent".... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...In summary, any integer that you use as an exponent is an "integral exponent".... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...In summary, any integer that you use as an exponent is an "integral exponent".... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...In summary, any integer that you use as an exponent is an "integral exponent".

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3 to the exponent of 0 is 1. In fact, any non-zero number, raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1.

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Because a number to the exponent 0 = 1 and any lesser exponent decreases the value.

What if zero has an exponent?

it equals 0. 0 x 0 will always be 0

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The two are related. The answer could be base 2, exponent 18 or base 8, exponent 6 or base 10, exponent 5.4185 or base 262144, exponent 1 or base 68,719,476,736 and exponent 0.5

What is 0 as an exponent?

0 as an exponent is zero no matter what your question is even if your question is "What is 70 to the 0 power?" your answer will all ways be 0 because you are basically saying what is 70 times 0? and any number times 0 is 0.

Why is 7 to exponent 0 equal to 1?

why not !

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