8/21 is in its lowest form
21 over 49 in lowest terms is 3/7
The greatest common divisor is 3; if you divide both terms by 3, you get 6/7.
16/18 = 8/9 in its lowest terms
75 over 21 in lowest terms = 25/7
21 over 12 in lowest terms = 7/4 or 13/4 or 1.75
8/21 is in its lowest form
21 over 49 in lowest terms is 3/7
The greatest common divisor is 3; if you divide both terms by 3, you get 6/7.
21/29 is a fraction in its lowest terms
16/18 = 8/9 in its lowest terms
7 over 11
21/35 = 3/5
21/42 = 1/2