To convert 153% to decimal divide by 100: 153% ÷ 100 = 1.53
To find the decimal form of a percentage, divide the percentage by 100.0.03/100 = 0.0003
Try again! There is no such word as demical, and since the number is already in decimal form, I assume the word is not meant to be decimal!
0.37 or .37
5% = 0.05
What is the demical equivelent of 4%?
You can easily change any percent to a decimal - simply divide the percent by 100:6 ÷ 100 = 0.06
8% = .08 = 8/100 = 2/25.
To convert 153% to decimal divide by 100: 153% ÷ 100 = 1.53
0.07 (move the decimal over to the left two places)
To find the decimal form of a percentage, divide the percentage by 100.0.03/100 = 0.0003