

Best Answer

1 kilometre = 1000 metres so 18 km = 18*1000 m = 18,000 m. Simple!

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Q: What is 18km equals m?
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How far is 18k?

The designation "K" refers to thousand in US currency. In distance it would be Kilometers. 18Km equals about 11.2 miles.

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How do you chconvert 18 km per h to m per s in physics?

U can convert km/h into m/s by multiplying it by 5/18. Here 18km/h = 5m/s

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59055.1181 ft.

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18km by road.

How far is 18kilometres?

18km is about 11.2 (11.1847) miles.

How many centimeters are in 18 kilometers?

There are 1,800,000cm in 18km