19.07 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is 1907/100 which cannot be simplified.
The roman numeral for 1907 is, MCMVII.
In today's terms: MCMVII
Today's way of writing 1907 into Roman numerals is MCMVII. But there is evidence to show that the Romans themselves in ancient times would have wrote 1907 as MDCCCCVII.
1907 .
November 16, 1907
The Haunted Bedroom - 1907 was released on: UK: July 1907 USA: October 1907
Circuit de Dieppe 1907 - 1907 was released on: USA: 21 September 1907
Java pittoresque - 1907 was released on: France: 1907 USA: 1907
The Blackmailer - 1907 was released on: UK: May 1907 USA: 22 June 1907
Who Is Who - 1907 was released on: USA: 12 January 1907
Cendrillon - 1907 was released on: France: 15 February 1907 USA: 16 March 1907 Colombia: 28 November 1907 (Barranquilla)
Domestique hypnotiseur - 1907 was released on: UK: July 1907 USA: 17 August 1907 France: 6 September 1907
1, 1907
A Soldier's Jealousy - 1907 was released on: UK: July 1907 USA: October 1907
Suicide impossible - 1907 was released on: France: 1907 USA: 16 March 1907
A Sailor's Lass - 1907 was released on: UK: July 1907 USA: October 1907