To round to the nearest hundred and ten both being 200 it leaves 9 possibilities. 195,196,197,198,199,201,202,203, and 204. The only one with digits adding up to 19 is 199.
It then is 19
199 If it's 200 rounded to nearest ten, then the number must be between 195 and 205. Only 199 has the correct digit sum.
To round to the nearest hundred and ten both being 200 it leaves 9 possibilities. 195,196,197,198,199,201,202,203, and 204. The only one with digits adding up to 19 is 199.
Rounded to the nearest tenth: 18.8 Rounded to the nearest whole number: 19 Rounded to the nearest ten: 20.
The 19 will round down, so the answer is 500.
It then is 19
19 rounded to the nearest tens place is 20.
19.07 rounded to the nearest whole number is 19
18.95 rounded to the nearest whole number is 19
199 If it's 200 rounded to nearest ten, then the number must be between 195 and 205. Only 199 has the correct digit sum.