To convert a fraction to a percentage multiply by 100 %:
1 1/2 = (1x2)+1/2 = 3/2 = 3/2 x 100 % = 300/2 % = 150 %
1 is = 100% 1/2 = 50%
1/2 = 50%
0.5 percent is equivalent to 1/2 percent.
2 and 1 over 4 as a percent = 225%2 1/4= 2 + 0.25= 2.252.25 * 100% = 225%
20% = 1 out of 5 = 1/5 = a fifth 50% = 1 out of 2 = 1/2 = a halve
the percent form of 1 2 is 50 percent.
1 oz is 100 percent. 1/100 = 0.01 oz is 1 percent. Then 2 times this value makes 2 percent. Solution: 0.02 oz.
$500 at 2 percent for 1 year
1 percent
The percent of 0.025 is 2 1/2%
1 is 50% of 2
1 over 2 = 0.5 as a decimal and 50% as a percent
2 percent of 50 kilograms is 1 kilogram.
1 is = 100% 1/2 = 50%
1/2 = 50%