No, not all fractions can be written as a non-terminating decimal. For instance, 1/3 has infinitely many 3's in the decimal places.
How 1 half, 1/2 (fraction notation), is written in decimal notation (with 3 decimals) ? 1/2 = 0.500
1 out of 3 written as a decimal is 0.33333333333.....
No, not all fractions can be written as a non-terminating decimal. For instance, 1/3 has infinitely many 3's in the decimal places.
How 1 half, 1/2 (fraction notation), is written in decimal notation (with 3 decimals) ? 1/2 = 0.500
It is: 3 and 1/5 = 3.2 as a decimal In general, a number N over 5 is written as a decimal by doubling it (worry about the decimal point). Examples: 1/5 = .2 2/5 = .4 5/5 = 1.0 So 3/5 would be .6 and 1/5 would be .2
Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.
1/10 is written, in decimal, as 0.11/10 is written, in decimal, as 0.11/10 is written, in decimal, as 0.11/10 is written, in decimal, as 0.1
One half is 1/2, which is 0.5 written as a decimal. 3 and (plus) 0.5 is 3.5. So 3 and one half is written 3.5
1 whole and 3 over 5:= 1 + 3/5= 1 + (3 ÷ 5)= 1 + 0.60= 1.60 in decimalAnswer: YES. 1.60 is the decimal form of 1 3/5
the decimal 0.33333333333 is a repeating decimal, the number 3 is recurring (which means that it is repeatedly occurring) and as a fraction this could be written as 1/3