When you estimate 1 it gives you 0 , and if you estimate 7 it will give you 10.
One week has 7 days. So 1 day is 1/7 weeks. Therefore 20 days=20/7 =3.86 weeks(estimated, actual value contains infinite decimal places).
7 x 30 = 210
The 7
7 over 13 = 0.5384 ; estimated as 1 13 over 25 = 0.52 ; estimated as 1
One week has 7 days. So 1 day is 1/7 weeks. Therefore 20 days=20/7 =3.86 weeks(estimated, actual value contains infinite decimal places).
Why on earth would you want to estimate when it is as simple to get the exact answer! (16/7) / (92/7) = (13/7) / (65/7) = (13/7) * (7/65) = 13/65 = 1/5
7 x 30 = 210
1 continential cucumber (based on estimated 350g) = 7 servings (52g/serving)
Estimated: 80 Actual: 79.'7' repeating '7'
almost 7 billion .
7 - 5 = 2
24/8 = 3
It is: 7