11.25 is already in decimal form. It is a decimal number with two decimal places.
Expressed in its simplest form, 24/24 is equal to 1.
One (1) gram as a desimal would be written as "1.0 grams."
24/24 = 1/1 or as just 1
1 And 5 over 24
11.25 is already in decimal form. It is a decimal number with two decimal places.
Expressed in its simplest form, 24/24 is equal to 1.
One (1) gram as a desimal would be written as "1.0 grams."
24/24 = 1/1 or as just 1
It is: 5 and 1/4 = 5.25 as a decimal
24 to the 1
1 And 5 over 24
They are read in 1/10 1/00 1/000 ... etc or as tenths hundredths thousandths ... etc