Five-sixths is equal to approximately 83.33% as a decimal.
8.83333 . . .
To express this as a decimal you have to treat the fraction part as a division. five sixths is 5/6 which works out at 0.8333rec Thus as a decimal, five and five sixths is 5.8333... To convert to a percentage, you just multiply by 100: 5.8333... x 100 = 583.333... Thus as a percentage this is 583.333...%
4.83333 recurring
fraction five thirty sixths as decimal = 0.13895/36:= 5 ÷ 36= 0.1389 in decimal
Five-sixths is equal to approximately 83.33% as a decimal.
0.83333 repeating 83 and 1/3%
8.83333 . . .
To express this as a decimal you have to treat the fraction part as a division. five sixths is 5/6 which works out at 0.8333rec Thus as a decimal, five and five sixths is 5.8333... To convert to a percentage, you just multiply by 100: 5.8333... x 100 = 583.333... Thus as a percentage this is 583.333...%
0.833333333333333333333 repeating
3.83333 repeating
4.83333 recurring
2 minus five sixths is 1 1/6.
1 minus five sixths equals one sixth
75/6 = 7.833...