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There is not a direct conversion.

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Q: What is 1 cubic centimeters in square centimeters?
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What feature of a cylinder uses the given units Centimeters or square centimeters or cubic centimeters?

Cubic Centimeters

How many kilogram force per square centimeter in 1 m3?

The question is very unclear. Here are some facts that may help: -- "Kilogram" is not a force. -- "Square" units are not compatible with "cubic" units. -- 10,000 square centimeters make 1 square meter. -- 1,000,000 cubic centimeters make 1 cubic meter.

How many meters are in a square centimeters?

You can't convert that. One is a unit of length, the other, of area. You can convert meters to centimeters, square meters to square centimeters, or cubic meters to cubic centimeters.

What is the difference between square centimeters and cubic centimeters?

Square centimeters is a measure of surface area. Cubic centimeters are a measure of volume. A cube that's 20 cm on an edge would have 6 surfaces, each 400 square cm in size, giving a total surface of 2400 square centimeters - slightly less than 1/4 of a square meter. That same cube would have a volume of 8,000 cubic centimeters (which would be 8 liters.)

How do you convert square meter to cubic centimeter?

To convert square meters to cubic centimeters, you need to have the height or depth of the space in meters. Once you have the height in meters, you can multiply the square meters by 1,000,000 to convert to square centimeters and then multiply by the height in centimeters to get the volume in cubic centimeters.

How many cm2 are there in 1m3?

Well, honey, a cubic meter is equivalent to 1,000,000 cubic centimeters. Since we're talking about converting volume to area, you would need to take the square root of that to get the area in square centimeters. So, there are 1,000,000 square centimeters in 1 cubic meter.

What feature of a cylinder uses the given unites...centimeter...square centimeters...and cubic centimeters?

Length, diameter and radius are measured in centimeters. Surface area is measured in square centimeters. Volume is measured in cubic centimeters.

How many cc are there in 1 cubic inch?

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters 1 cubic inch = (2.54)3 cubic centimeters = 16.387064 cubic centimeters

What is 1 000 000 cubic centimeters?

1 000 000 cubic centimeters = 1 cubic meter

How many cubic centimeters is 1 cubic foot?

28,316.85 cubic centimeters.

2.8 liter equals what in cubic centimeters?

1 liter is 1 cubic decimeter or 1,000 cubic centimeters. 2.8 liters are 2,800 cubic centimeters.

Cubic centimeters to milliliters?

Cubic centimeters are equal to milliliters. 1 cubic cm = 1 mL