

What is 1 cubic metre?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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10y ago

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It is a measure of volume. Volume is 3 dimensional, hence the cubic. The cubic part comes from the word cube.

The formula for a cube is the length x length x length. So measure out 1 metre, and then a metre high. That makes a square meter. Now measure out a meter poing back from this. This makes a cube in which each dimension is a meter

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What is a formula cubic meter?

The basic formula is 1 cubic metre = 1 metre x 1 metre x 1 metre.

What is 1 meters cubed?

It is a volume of 1 cubic metre.It is a volume of 1 cubic metre.It is a volume of 1 cubic metre.It is a volume of 1 cubic metre.

What are the dimensions of 1 cubic meter?

I cubic metre can be represented as a cube with all sides of length 1 metre.

What is the volume of metre long metre wide and metre high?

It is 1 cubic metre.

How many times larger is a cubic meter to a CUBIC decimeter?

1 metre = 10 decimetres so 1 cubic metre = (1 metre)3 = (10 dm)3 = 10*10*10 dm3 = 1000 dm31 metre = 10 decimetres so 1 cubic metre = (1 metre)3 = (10 dm)3 = 10*10*10 dm3 = 1000 dm31 metre = 10 decimetres so 1 cubic metre = (1 metre)3 = (10 dm)3 = 10*10*10 dm3 = 1000 dm31 metre = 10 decimetres so 1 cubic metre = (1 metre)3 = (10 dm)3 = 10*10*10 dm3 = 1000 dm3

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1 cubic centimetre = 1 millilitres. 1000 cubic centimetres = 1 litre 1 cubic metre = 1000 litres There are 1,000,000 millilitres in 1 cubic metre.

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1 perfect cubic metre of sand=1 perfect cubic metre of glass

How cubic centimeters are in a cubic meter?

1 cubic metre = 1 000 000 cubic centimetres

How many centimeters cubed are in meters cubed?

1 metre is 100 centimetres. 1 cubic metre is 100 centimetres times 100 centimetres times 100 centimetres. 1 cubic metre is 1,000,000 cubic centimetres.

1cm cube is how much cubic meter?

1 cm = 0.01 metre. So, 1 cm cubed = 0.01 metre*0.01m*0.01m = 0.000001 cubic metre or 10-6 cubic metres.

What is an example of one cubic meter?

A tent, some that is 3D ****************************** A cube (box, container, etc) that measures 1 metre (length) x 1 metre (width) x 1 metre (breadth) is 1 cubic metre (1m3).

What is an example of Cubic Meter?

The volume enclosed by a space that is 1 metre long, 1 metre wide and 1 metre high.