The number value hundred (one hundred, 100) is a cardinal number. The adjective form is hundredth, which can also represent a fractional value (one one-hundredth = 1/100).
(1/100) x 100 = 1
One hundred and one hundredth (100.01) in expanded form is: (1 x 100) + (0 x 10) + (0 x 1) + (0/10) + (1/100)
Hundred is the number 100, and hundredths (1/100) is a fraction of one one-hundredth.
You're looking for one-hundredth of fifteen hundred, which is 15.
One hundred: 100 One hundredth: 0.01 One hundred and one hundredth: 100.01
100 x (1/100) = 1.
Percent means hundredth, so 1/100 = 1%.If you wanted to write: one hundredth, the answer is 1 %. If you wanted to write one hundred, the answer is 100%.1%
The number value hundred (one hundred, 100) is a cardinal number. The adjective form is hundredth, which can also represent a fractional value (one one-hundredth = 1/100).
(1/100) x 100 = 1
100 1/100
One hundred and one hundredth (100.01) in expanded form is: (1 x 100) + (0 x 10) + (0 x 1) + (0/10) + (1/100)
Hundred is the number 100, and hundredths (1/100) is a fraction of one one-hundredth.
one hundredth
one hundredth = 1/100 one hundred = 100
You're looking for one-hundredth of fifteen hundred, which is 15.
One-hundredth of a unit is equal to 0.01 or 1/100. It represents one part out of a hundred equal parts of a whole.