1 Nautical Mile is 1.1508 statute miles, so 1 knot (nautical miles per hour) is 1.1508 MPH
1 knot = 1.15077945 mph
Ships usually measure speed in nautical miles per hour (1 knot - {pronounced not} equals 1 nautical mile per hour).A nautical mile is about 1.151 statute (land) miles. So 1 knot is about 1.151 mph.See related link.
1 knot = 1 nautical mile per hourtime = distance ÷ speed= 2110 nautical miles / 10 nautical miles/hour= 211 hours= 8 days 19 hours.As 1 knot is 1 nautical mile per hour: a unit of speed, 1 knot per hour would be a rate of change of speed, ie an acceleration.
1 knot = 1.85200 kilometers per hour
1 knot = 1 nautical mile per hour...
1 knot=1.15077945 miles per hour
One knot is equal to one nautical mile per hour. Therefore, in terms of miles per minute, one knot is approximately 0.019 miles per minute.
1 knot = 1.15077945 mph
One knot is equal to approximately 1.15 miles per hour.
Miles per hour are used when on land and knots are used by ships and boats
One knot is equal to 1.15078 miles per hour. Therefore, 22 knots is approximately equal to 25.1 miles per hour.
Ships usually measure speed in nautical miles per hour (1 knot - {pronounced not} equals 1 nautical mile per hour).A nautical mile is about 1.151 statute (land) miles. So 1 knot is about 1.151 mph.See related link.
1 knot (kt) = 1.15077945 miles per hour (mph)7kt x 1.15077945mph/kt = 8mph (rounded to 1 significant figure)
1 knot = 1 nautical mile per hourtime = distance ÷ speed= 2110 nautical miles / 10 nautical miles/hour= 211 hours= 8 days 19 hours.As 1 knot is 1 nautical mile per hour: a unit of speed, 1 knot per hour would be a rate of change of speed, ie an acceleration.
1 knot = 1.85200 kilometers per hour
1 knot = 1 nautical mile per hour...
To convert Nautical miles per hour (knots) to standard miles per hour, you can multiply the speed in knots by a conversion factor of 1.15078. This will give you the speed in miles per hour. Formula: mph = knots * 1.15078.