1/23 = 0.043478 in decimal form. However, the fraction 1/23 is already at its most simplified.
1/23 is already in its simplest form
1x23 is the only way to get 23 so 12/23 is the simplest form.
I think 1/23 is its simplest form.
If expressed as an improper fraction, 23/18 is already expressed in simplest form. Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 23/18 is equal to 1 5/18 or one and five eighteenths.
1/23 is the simplest form.
1/23 is already in its simplest form
1x23 is the only way to get 23 so 12/23 is the simplest form.
I think 1/23 is its simplest form.
23/46 = 1/223/46 = 1/2
If expressed as an improper fraction, 23/18 is already expressed in simplest form. Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 23/18 is equal to 1 5/18 or one and five eighteenths.
92/23 = 4/1 = 4
23/21 Must become a mixed fraction, so it becomes 1 and 2/21st , and that is your answer.