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1/4, 1/3, 2/3

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Q: What is 1 over 3 1 over 4 and 2 over 3 from Smallest to greatest?
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What is smaller to the greatest 0.7502 3 over 4 0.45 or 1 over 2?

0.45 is the smallest.

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Greatest: 856 Smallest: 1

Which is smallest 1 over 4 or 1 over 2 or 1 over 5?

1 over 5 is the smallest.

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The smallest is 10 and the greatest is 99.

What is the greatest possible error of 3.5 cm?

first you must find the precision. that is the smallest possible unit of the smallest measurement. in this case the smallest measurement is 5/10ths. the smallest possible unit is 1/10. so 1/10 is the precision. to find the greatest possible error you have to multiply the precision (1/10) by 1/2. and you get 1/20. the greatest possible error is 1/20. another example: find the greatest possible error of both 6 and 3.214. for 6 the smallest unit would be 1 because you can go lower than one without going to the next unit down. so we then take one and multiply it by 1/2. one half is also 0.5. 1 multiplied by 1/2 is 1/2, therefore, the greatest possible error of 6 is 1/2 or 0.5. for the next number take the smallest unit of 214/1000, which is what .214 is. the smallest measurement would be 1/1000. that is our precision. the greatest possible error is one half (1/2) of the precision, or, 1/1000 x 1/2, which equals 1/2000. the greatest possible error of 3.214 is 1/2000. it's kind of confusing. i hope this helped. first it helps to understand the precision. then from there the gpe is half of the precision.

What would be the remainder left if the greatest prime number of 3 digits is divided by the smallest prime number?

The answer is 1. The smallest prime is 2 and the greatest prime (of however many digits) must be odd. The remainder of ANY odd number when divided by 2 must be 1.

What is 11 over 20 and 1 over 2 from least to greatest?

1/2 is the lesser of the two.

What are the smallest and greatest factors of 340?

2 and 17

What is the order of these fractions 1 over 3 1 over 2 and 1 over 4?

Least to greatest: 1/4, 1/3, 1/2

Is 0 the smallest integer?

No. Integers are positive and negative whole numbers (…, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, …). As there are an infinite number of negative integers as they approach negative infinity (the greatest negative integer being -1), there can be no smallest (negative) integer.

What is 3 over 6 simplified?

one half, or 1 over 2 or 1/2 You find the greatest common factor in 3 and 6 and that is 3. Then you divide both by the greatest common factor then you get your answer 1/2

What is 11 over 20 and 1 over 2 and 0.51 from least to greatest?

1/2 < 0.51 < 11/20