To convert a fraction to a percentage, multiply it by 100%:
1/3 = 1/3 x 100 %
= 100/3 %
= 331/3 %
≈ 33.33 %
1 over 3 = 33.3%
1/3 = 33.33%
3 over 4 is equal to 75 percent.
percentage = 10/3% or 3.33%% rate:= 1/30 * 100%= 10/3% or 3.33%
3 over 12 and 1 over 12 are not equal.
3 over 25.
75 percent or 0.75
Mainly because it is equal to 60% .
13/3 = 433.33%
20% Jilly:) :) <3<3<3
1/1 , 2/2 ,3/3 etc.
No, 1 over 2.