The absolute value of 1 over 8 is less than 1 and so it cannot be expressed as a mixed fraction.
There is no mixed fraction. 24 over 8 is 3.
0.125 is the decimal of 1/8
9/8 = 1 and 1/8 = 9/8
Since 1/8 is a fraction whose absolute value is less than 1, there is no sensible way to write it as a mixed number.
4 is less than 8, so 4 over 8 is a proper fraction, which will not make a mixed number. You can simplify 4 over 8 to 1/2, though.
1 1/8
There is no mixed fraction. 24 over 8 is 3.
The fraction 51 over 8 as a mixed number is 63/8
Improper fraction: 43/8 Mixed numbers: 6 1/8
0.125 is the decimal of 1/8
It is 1 5/8 = 13/8.
9/8 = 1 and 1/8 = 9/8
Since 1/8 is a fraction whose absolute value is less than 1, there is no sensible way to write it as a mixed number.
3/8 cannot be a mixed number as it is not an improper fraction and is less than 1.
4 is less than 8, so 4 over 8 is a proper fraction, which will not make a mixed number. You can simplify 4 over 8 to 1/2, though.
1 and 1/8
The absolute value of 3/8 is less than 1 and so it cannot be expressed as a mixed fraction.