To convert 83 to a decimal, it remains as 83. To convert 1 and a third to a decimal, we first convert the fraction 1/3 to a decimal by dividing 1 by 3, which equals 0.3333 (repeating). Adding 83 and 1.3333 gives us 84.3333 as the decimal representation of 83 and 1 and a third.
1.33 repeating
One third = 1/3 = 0.333...
It is 5.333... repeating.
When the ' l l ' is a binary number. If it is, then ' l l ' = decimal 3. Take 2 from ' l l ' (decimal 3) and get 1.
One third in decimal form is 0.33
To convert 83 to a decimal, it remains as 83. To convert 1 and a third to a decimal, we first convert the fraction 1/3 to a decimal by dividing 1 by 3, which equals 0.3333 (repeating). Adding 83 and 1.3333 gives us 84.3333 as the decimal representation of 83 and 1 and a third.
The decimal for 1/3 is 0.333333333333 repeating forever.
1.33 repeating
1 3rd converted to a decimal = 0.33333...1/3:= 1 ÷ 3= 0.33333... in decimal
0.3333 repeating
One third = 1/3 = 0.333...
It is 5.333... repeating.
It is 5.333... repeating.