1 and one third is equal to 133.333333333 reccurring (never ending) %
1/3 written as a percentage is 33 and 1/3%
33 1/3 % ≈ 33.33 % is the percentage equal to 1/3.
(1/3)x100 = 33 and 1/3
33 1/3 % (Thirty three and 1 third %)
1 and one third is equal to 133.333333333 reccurring (never ending) %
1/3 written as a percentage is 33 and 1/3%
33 1/3 % ≈ 33.33 % is the percentage equal to 1/3.
(1/3)x100 = 33 and 1/3
33 1/3 % (Thirty three and 1 third %)
The percentage for one third is 33%.
Expressed as a percentage, 1/3 is equal to 33.3 recurring (that is, 33.3333 ect) percent.
1/3rd would be about 33.33% There is no exact percentage for 1/3rd.
To convert 1/3 to a percentage, multiply it by 100.
1 in 10000
6324.92 is one third of 18974.76 That's 33 and 1/3%