840 is an integer, not a fraction. But if forced to write is as a fraction, 840/1
Well, honey, 65% of 840 is 546. But really, who needs to know that when you have a calculator in your pocket? Just punch in 0.65 times 840 and voila, there's your answer. Math made easy, just like my third husband.
840 - 15% = 840 x (1 - (15/100)) = 850 x 0.85 = 722.5
360 + 360 + 120 ie 840.
840 is an integer, not a fraction. But if forced to write is as a fraction, 840/1
15/840 = 1/56
840/123480 = 1/147
840 - 15% = 840 x (1 - (15/100)) = 850 x 0.85 = 722.5
60 st = 840 lb60 st = 840 lb60 st = 840 lb60 st = 840 lb60 st = 840 lb60 st = 840 lb
31.5 (get 1/10 of 840, then get 3/4 of that, then get 1/2 of that)
70/840 reduces to 1/12