rounding whole numbers and decimals
both signify a part of a whole. percentages are based on 100 being 1 so 100% is 1 whole thing. 1 whole thing with decimals is 1.00. You can change from decimals to percentages by moving the decimal 2 places to the right and percentages to decimals by moving the decimal 2 places to the left.
One way they are different is that decimals are "parts of a whole" not necessarily a whole.
No because whole numbers are integers without decimals or fractions
1.0=1 that is it drop the . point and 0
rounding whole numbers and decimals
Decimals and fractions are PART of a whole
both signify a part of a whole. percentages are based on 100 being 1 so 100% is 1 whole thing. 1 whole thing with decimals is 1.00. You can change from decimals to percentages by moving the decimal 2 places to the right and percentages to decimals by moving the decimal 2 places to the left.
Factors must be whole numbers, not decimals.
When the fractional parts, if any, of the two decimal numbers sum to 1.
One way they are different is that decimals are "parts of a whole" not necessarily a whole.
3.2 and -2.2, when added together, make 1 whole.
decimals are used when you have part of a whole for examle .362598798 is part of a whole
No because whole numbers are integers without decimals or fractions
Factors refer to whole numbers, not decimals. The only factor of 1 is 1.
1.0=1 that is it drop the . point and 0