

What is 1ppm?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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12y ago

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1 part per million, used to describe how many of one type of particle you will find amongst another type of particle

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Q: What is 1ppm?
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What country does the element krypton come from?

Krypton is found in the air on Earth to the extent of about 1ppm

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How much percentage is equal to 1ppm?

1 ppm is one part per million, or one millionth - percentage (which is latin for per hundred) wise, 1 ppm is .0001%

What is the water purification method when using a five gallon water can?

Use one ampule of calcium hypochlorite to 1/2 canteen cup of water. (The desired chlorine residual should be 1ppm)

1ppm of mercaptan equals how many pounds in 1mscf of natural gas?

1 ppm of mercaptan in 1 million standard cubic feet (mscf) of natural gas would be equivalent to 1 pound of mercaptan.

How do you calculate how much chlorine to put in your pool?

1 gallon of 12% strength liquid chlorine will raise 120,000 gallons of water approximately 1ppm. For 10,000 gallons it takes about 9oz. to achieve 1ppm. PPM means parts per million not parts per moron. A 1-1.5ppm chlorine residual is usually sufficient to maintain a swimming pool as long as it is in a free and not combined form (chloromine). Public pools are closed down if the chlorine level exceeds 9ppm. 1 gallon of chlorine in a 10,000 gallon pool will exceed 14ppm. Use an oxidizer such as potassium monopersulfate to keep the chlorine in its free state and you won't turn your hair green (copper precipitates) or dissolve your children. If you're using calcium hypochlorite a quarter pound will raise 20,000 gallons to 1ppm. The practice of overdosing a pool with chlorine once a week is for lazy people that don't know chemistry or math. Chlorine is an oxidizer and can be harmful in large doses as it is easily absorbed through the skin. Take your choice.

What is the common state of krypton?

Krypton is a Noble gas. But it has two different main forms. It can be found in the Earth's atmosphere (about 1ppm) and also in Mars' (.3ppm). It's solid form is a type of crystal. It's gas is colorless and odorless.

How does stratosphere helps the earth?

Stratosphere is one of the layers of Atmosphere which lies between troposphere and mesosphere.It extands from 8-16 to 30-50 km.clouds,dust r absent,water vapours and C02 little ozone in conc. Of 1ppm, it has warming effect, changing temp 4m minus 57 degree centigrade to minus 2 ,it prevents us from harmful uv radiations..

How to make mannitol standard of 1ppm 10ppm 100ppm 500ppm and 1000ppm diluted in deionized water to generate a linear standard curve and need to make a total assay of 0.2 ml each from the stock?

take 1mg (0.001g) of mannitol and dilute it by deionised water to 100ml in 100ml measuring flask.The resulting solution is 10ppm.and then make further dilution to prepare required concentration.

How much muriatic acid to lower pH of a gallon of water 1ppm?

To lower the pH of a gallon of water by 1 ppm, you would need to add an extremely small amount of muriatic acid, typically less than a drop. It is important to exercise caution when handling strong acids, and to always follow proper safety guidelines and dilution instructions.