1.556621881 rounded to zero decimal place = 2
It is 3.69 rounded to two decimal places
It is already rounded to exactly that degree.
To 2 decimal places, 42.67 is 42.67 (There are already only 2 digits after the decimal point.)
1.7 (1 decimal place) or 1.66 (2 decimal places)
To round 49.72 to one decimal place, we look at the digit in the second decimal place, which is 2. Since 2 is less than 5, we do not round up. Therefore, 49.72 rounded to one decimal place is 49.7.
What is 3.42 rounded 2 decimal places
1.556621881 rounded to zero decimal place = 2
0.1 If you round something to 1 decimal place, you can only have one number after the decimal point, eg 0.109 is 0.1 rounded to 1 decimal place 0.109 is 0.11 rounded to 2 decimal places
2.48 :)
It is 14.88 rounded to two decimal places
It is: 2.96 rounded to two decimal places
It is 3.69 rounded to two decimal places
It is already rounded to exactly that degree.