In order to take a number to 2 decimal places, you first consider only the digits that are 2 decimal places in or greater. In this case that would be 2.73. The next step is to asses the thousandths digit. If it is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, we round up. Otherwise, we leave the number as it is. In this case, the digit is a 7, so we round up. Thus 2.73762 to 2 decimal places is 2.74
It is 4.97 rounded to 2 decimal places
Stated to 2 decimal places, it's 342.99Rounded to 2 decimal places, it's 343.00
Rounded to 2 decimal places 0.3081 is 0.31
2356164.38 already has only 2 decimal places, so there is no need to round it.
1.76 to 2 decimal places = 1.76
2/9 to two decimal places is 0.22 .
1.35 to 2 decimal places is 1.35 (1.35 is already to 2 decimal places.)
2.3432 to 2 decimal places is 2.34.
What is 15.2881 to 2 decimal places?
It is 4.97 rounded to 2 decimal places
You can only round a number to 2 decimal places if it currently has more than 2 decimal places.
73.00 - if you want to show that it is accurate to 2 decimal places.
132600 = 132600.00 to 2 decimal places
Stated to 2 decimal places, it's 342.99Rounded to 2 decimal places, it's 343.00
It is 0.69 to two decimal places
2/7 = 0.29 in decimal