285% = 285/100 = 57/20
57% of 5 in fraction form is 285/100
0.285 = 285/1000 which reduces to 57/200
2.85 is rational. (It can be written as fraction: 285/100)
285% = 285/100 = 57/20
It is: 142.5 = 285/2 as an improper fraction in its lowest terms
57% of 5 in fraction form is 285/100
28.5 = 28 5/10 = 28½ (as a mixed number) 28½ = (28×2+1)/2 = 57/2 (as an improper fraction)
0.285 = 285/1000 which reduces to 57/200
2.85 is rational. (It can be written as fraction: 285/100)
.25 is a quarter so either 71¼ or 285/4
-0.285 = -285/1000. This is simplified to -57/200.
-2.85 = -285/100 = -57/20