Decimals cannot be written in roman numerals. Only whole real numbers.
In today's notation of Roman numerals they represent: 297
In today's terms it is written out as: CCXCVII
percentage of 297 = 29700%297 * 100% = 29700%
759-297 = 462
297 can be divided evenly by 1, 3, 9, 11, 33, 99, and 297.
CCXCVII is 297 in Roman Numerals.
In today's notation of Roman numerals they represent: 297
In today's terms it is written out as: CCXCVII
No such Roman Numeral as 'ccxcvii'. Roman numerals are ALWAYS written in CAPITAL letters ; CCXCVII'. C = 100 CC = 200 XC = 100 - 10 = 90 Hence CCXC = 290 V = 5 I = 1 II = 2 Hence CCXCVII = 290 + 5 + 2 = 297 the answer!!!! When a smaller value 'X' in this case, is placed to the left of a larger value , ,C is this case, it means 'subtract'. Hence XC = 100 - 10 = 90
1 x 297 = 297 3 x 99 = 297 9 x 33 = 297 11 x 27 = 297
percentage of 297 = 29700%297 * 100% = 29700%
1/3 of 297 = 297/3 = 99
297 is composite.
759-297 = 462
297 can be divided evenly by 1, 3, 9, 11, 33, 99, and 297.