Well, honey, 2000 as a decimal is simply 2000.0. It's like asking how much a dollar is in cents – it's still a dollar, just with a decimal point and some zeros to make it look fancy. So, there you have it, 2000 as a decimal is 2000.0.
Multiply 6 by 2000, then - since the factors have one decimal digit - separate the last digit in the result with a decimal point.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 1/2000 is equal to 0.0005.
As a decimal it is: 2000.1
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 349/2000 = 0.1745.
1550/2000 = 31/40 = 0.775 as a decimal
1550/2000 = 0.775
1/2000 = 0.0005
1.4%Solution Method:?% of 2000 is 28?% * 2000 = 28?% = 28 / 2000?% = .014
90/2000 = 45/1000 = 0.045
Multiply 6 by 2000, then - since the factors have one decimal digit - separate the last digit in the result with a decimal point.
The square root of 2000 is 44.713595544.72135955 to eight decimal places.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 1/2000 is equal to 0.0005.