The mixed number for 9.385 is: 977/200
170% of 200 is 340, a whole number.
As a fraction it is 1911/200 simplified as a mixed number 9 and 111/200 simplified
3.065 as a mixed number in simplest form is: 313/200
No mixed number. 200/5 = 40
200/5 = 40, a whole number.
200/7.1 = 2000/71 = 2812/71
13 over 25
2.015 as a mixed number = 23/200
5.785 in a mixed number = 5157/200
The mixed number for 9.385 is: 977/200
A mixed number is an integer plus a fraction. Since there'san integer there, the whole thing must be more than ' 1 '.108 is less than 200, so ( 108/200 ) must be less than 1 .There's no way you can make it into a mixed number.108/200 = 0.54 = 27/50
5.695 as a mixed number = 5 139/200
1 and 1 over 200.
170% of 200 is 340, a whole number.