To be accurate about it, the question has no answer, because 'km' is
a distance and 'mph' is a speed, so one can't convert to the other.
203 km is the same distance as about 126.138 miles (rounded). That
information may be somewhat helpful to you.
28 kmh is 17.3984 mph
111.85 mph
74.5645431 mph
There is no such thing as 20 mph acceleration. 20 mph is a velocity. Acceleration is expressed as velocity per unit time e.g. mph per second or mph per minute etc.
About 211.266 Mph.
203km per hour = 56.4 meters per second.
7.8 km or 203km
203 kilometers = 126.14 miles.
The road distance is 203km
27.96 mph
165 mph = 265.54 kph (rounded)
90 kph is approximately 55.92 mph.
305 km/h = 189.518214 mph
About 761 mph
357 mph
There is no abbreviation of mph: mph is, itself, an abbreviation!
28 kmh is 17.3984 mph