28 kmh is 17.3984 mph
111.85 mph
74.5645431 mph
There is no such thing as 20 mph acceleration. 20 mph is a velocity. Acceleration is expressed as velocity per unit time e.g. mph per second or mph per minute etc.
About 211.266 Mph.
203km per hour = 56.4 meters per second.
7.8 km or 203km
203 kilometers = 126.14 miles.
The road distance is 203km
27.96 mph
165 mph = 265.54 kph (rounded)
90 kph is approximately 55.92 mph.
305 km/h = 189.518214 mph
About 761 mph
357 mph
There is no abbreviation of mph: mph is, itself, an abbreviation!
28 kmh is 17.3984 mph