It is 0.42
The standard form of 27 thousands, 3 hundreds, and 5 ones is 27,305. In standard form, we write the number using commas to separate groups of three digits, starting from the right. In this case, we have 27 thousands, 3 hundreds, and 5 ones, which combine to form the number 27,305.
40000 + 1600 + 30
209 and 3/100 is 209.03 as a decimal and in standard form it is 2.0903*10^2
Writing a number in standard form simply means to express the number in its 'normal' form. Therefore, your example is written in standard form as: 209.03
It is 0.42
The standard form of 27 thousands, 3 hundreds, and 5 ones is 27,305. In standard form, we write the number using commas to separate groups of three digits, starting from the right. In this case, we have 27 thousands, 3 hundreds, and 5 ones, which combine to form the number 27,305.
9 hundred thousands 15 ten thousands 6 thousands 3 hundreds 7 ones in standard form is: 921,307
40000 + 1600 + 30