The easy way to calculate percentages is to move the decimal point. For example, to get 10% of $35.00 you move the decimal point one place to the left or 3.50. So, to get 20% of $35.00 you double 10% which is $7.00.
20% off of 35 pounds = 100-20 = 80 percent of 35 pounds = 35*80/100 = 28 pounds
20 - 35 = -15If you take 35% off 20, you get 13.35 off of 20 is 20 - 35 = -15.
Well, 20 percent of 35 is 7. I hope that's what you were asking.
Sale price is 28.
120.00 with 35 percent off is 78.00.
20% off of 35 pounds = 100-20 = 80 percent of 35 pounds = 35*80/100 = 28 pounds
35% of 20 = 35% * 20 = 0.35 * 20 = 7
20 - 35 = -15If you take 35% off 20, you get 13.35 off of 20 is 20 - 35 = -15.
Well, 20 percent of 35 is 7. I hope that's what you were asking.
35 is 175% of 20.
Sale price is 28.
120.00 with 35 percent off is 78.00.
35 percent of 20= 735% of 20= 35% * 20= 0.35 * 20= 7
35 percent = 0.35 or 35/100 or 7/20
the answer is 35%
7 of out 20 in percent is (7/20)*100 = 35 percent.