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30 Feet.

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Q: What is 20 percent taller than a 25 foot house?
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What percentage of men are 6'3 or taller?

65 percent are 5,8 and above. 15 percent are shorter than 5,7. 20 percent are At 6 foot or taller. Only a mere 2 percent of the population is over 6,5.

Are smurfs taller than pygmies?

No, Pygmies are taller than Smurfs. Smurfs are 3 apples high, which we can assume is no taller than a foot high, but the average height of an adult male Pygmie is 4 foot 11inches.

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Asuming your question should have said, "Will is 28% taller . . . The answer is 128 percent.

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So Kane is tall. The Undertake is taller. The Big Show is taller. The Kahlil is the tallest.

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Is a cyclops taller than a two-story house?

it could be if it wanted

Is zendaya taller than Selena gomez?

Yes. Zendaya is five foot eleven and Selena Gomez is five foot four.

How would you dance at a prom with a guy who is a foot taller than you?

get some high heels, ahaha!!!!!!!

How tall is rihannah?

2 foot 2 i don't know how tall she is but she's taller than that!!!!!!

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Yes he is. Jeff is seven foot. Bill is not.

Which is taller Big Ben or the Sydney opera house?

Bi Ben is taller than Sydney Opera House by approximately 94'. Big Ben is 315' tall and the Opera House is 221' tall.