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Q: What is 20 to 10 in digital time?
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To write 10 past four in digital time, you would write it as 4:10. In digital time format, the hour is written first, followed by a colon, and then the minutes. So, 4:10 represents 10 minutes past the hour of 4 o'clock.

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If it is 10 am what time will it be in 20 hours?

If it is 10 am right now, it will be 6 am in 20 hours. It also depends on which time zone you are in.

What is special about 8.10pm on 20th October 2010?

You have 3 combinations of 20 and 10. The time is 20:10, the date is the 20th day of the 10th month and the year is 2010.

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Modern cameras are made of a polycarbonate compound, containing 10-20% glass fiber.

What does 20 to 11?

If you are referring to time, then the time is 10:40.

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