If that little zero is a superscript, like this: 20 Then it means "to the power of zero". Zero is a very special exponent, as anything to the power of zero equals one (except zero itself. 00 is undefined).
When we raise a number to the zeroth power, that means we multiply the number by itself zero times. So, the reason that any number to the zero power is one is because any number to the zero power is just the product of no numbers at all, which is the multiplicative identity, 1.
Zero to any power is always zero.
It is 1 because everything to the zero power is 1.
The inconsistency is the following:Any number raised to the power zero is equal to one.Zero raised to any power is equal to zero.
If that little zero is a superscript, like this: 20 Then it means "to the power of zero". Zero is a very special exponent, as anything to the power of zero equals one (except zero itself. 00 is undefined).
Zero to any power is zero; any non-zero number to the power zero is one. Thus, zero to the power zero is sort of contradictory.
Any number except zero, raised to the power zero, equals 1. Zero to the power zero is not defined.Any number except zero, raised to the power zero, equals 1. Zero to the power zero is not defined.Any number except zero, raised to the power zero, equals 1. Zero to the power zero is not defined.Any number except zero, raised to the power zero, equals 1. Zero to the power zero is not defined.
Zero to the fifth power is zero. Zero divided by zero is indeterminate.
When we raise a number to the zeroth power, that means we multiply the number by itself zero times. So, the reason that any number to the zero power is one is because any number to the zero power is just the product of no numbers at all, which is the multiplicative identity, 1.
Any number to the power zero is equal to 1 - except zero to the power zero, which is undefined. So, if x is not equal to zero, the answer is 1.Any number to the power zero is equal to 1 - except zero to the power zero, which is undefined. So, if x is not equal to zero, the answer is 1.Any number to the power zero is equal to 1 - except zero to the power zero, which is undefined. So, if x is not equal to zero, the answer is 1.Any number to the power zero is equal to 1 - except zero to the power zero, which is undefined. So, if x is not equal to zero, the answer is 1.
Zero to any power is always zero.
Anything raised to the power of zero is zero !
Anything to the power of zero (except for zero) is one.For example:70 = 1But00 = 0Anything to the zero power is one.
Zero to the 10th power is 0. Zero to any power will always be 0.
It is 1 because everything to the zero power is 1.
Anything, except zero, raised to the power of zero is 1