To round to the nearest hundred thousand, you first need to consider only digits of place value hundred thousands and greater. In this case, that would be 21,000,000. The next step is to look at the ten thousands place. If this is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 we need to round up, otherwise we can leave the number as it is. In this case, the digit is a 7, so we need to round up. Thus 21,079,000 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand is 21,100,000.
It is 160,000 when rounded to the nearest ten thousand
One hundred!
ten thousand
thirty two thosand and two hundred three
It is 160,000 when rounded to the nearest ten thousand
The correct answer is zero when rounding 106 to the nearest thousand.
there is no thousand
56,002,400 And it is thousand, not thosand.
One hundred!
ten thousand
one million, two hundred one thosand, two hundred one
+70 or -70
thirty two thosand and two hundred three