A decimal is a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the decimal representation for 21 is 21 and therefore the answer is 21 shillings.
decimal for 96 thousands = 96000.0
you just move the decimal place two places to the right you get 0.021, which is equivalent to 2.1%
Expressed as a fraction, 21/32 can't be simplified.Expressed as a decimal, it's equivalent to 0.65625 .
2 thousands = 2000.0
50 thousands of 1 inch = 50,000 inches. The decimal equivalent of 50,000 inches is also 50,000 inches.
It is 15H.
0.009" (9/1000)=0.009
A decimal is a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the decimal representation for 21 is 21 and therefore the answer is 21 shillings.
16 + 4 + 1 =21
15/63 simplifies to 5/21:5/21 = 5 ÷ 21 = 0.238095
decimal for 96 thousands = 96000.0
you just move the decimal place two places to the right you get 0.021, which is equivalent to 2.1%