No, the sum of a repeating decimal and a terminating decimal is never a terminating decimal.
A terminating decimal is a decimal that ends. A repeating decimal is a decimal that goes on and on.
you divide the numerator by the denominator on you will get a decimal and you write it 00.00 that is a decimal
It is already in decimal form.
The address of the Austin History Center Association Inc is: Po Box 2287, Austin, TX 78768-2287
Approximately 1421 Miles (2287 Kilometers)
4300 years before 2014 was 2287 BCE.
50-525 usd
The phone number of the Otis Community Library is: 785-387-2287.
The phone number of the Bayliss Branch Library is: 916-934-2287.
The address of the Lisle Library District is: 777 Front Street, Lisle, 60532 2287
The address of the Ipswich Public Library is: 25 North Main St., Ipswich, 01938 2287