Rounded to the nearest thousand, 229930 is approximately equal to 230000.
The digit in the hundreds position is a 9 so we round up to 230000.
229,930 rounded to it's nearest thousand is 230,000. The reason for this is because: Anything over the value of 5 is rounded to the nearest top and anything 4 or under is dropped to the bottom. This rule can be applied in this situation as 500 (because you want the nearest 1000). Since you have 900, you go to the top.
To the nearest thousand, it is 18,000.
Rounded to the nearest thousand, 229930 is approximately equal to 230000.
The digit in the hundreds position is a 9 so we round up to 230000.
229,930 rounded to it's nearest thousand is 230,000. The reason for this is because: Anything over the value of 5 is rounded to the nearest top and anything 4 or under is dropped to the bottom. This rule can be applied in this situation as 500 (because you want the nearest 1000). Since you have 900, you go to the top.
To the nearest thousand it is 6000
To the nearest thousandth, 0.055 To the nearest thousand, zero
To the nearest thousand: 6,172,000 To the nearest ten thousand: 6,170,000
To the nearest thousand: 36000 To the nearest ten thousand: 40000
To the nearest hundred, 324700 To the nearest thousand, 325000 To the nearest ten thousand, 320000 To the nearest hundred thousand, 300000
The nearest thousand to 1849 is 2000.