MMCCXVI is the Roman numeral representation of the number 2316.
A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 2316, exactly as in the question.
No it is not a, b, c or d.
√385385 is not a perfect square number, but it is too close to 400 so that its square root would be close to 20, that is ≥ 19.5...To find it more precisely, you need to work a little bit.√385 = 19. ...1. 19; double 1 so 19 becomes 29.2. 29*9 = 261, subtract it from 285 (385 - 100).285 - 261 = 24, add 2 zeros to 24; 2400 (we add pairs of zeros after the decimal point)2. 29; double 9, so 29 becomes 38Now think for a number that will multiply 38_ so that the product to be close to 2400386*6 = 2316 and 2400 - 2316 = 84, add 2 zeros to 84; 8400√385 = 19.6 ...3. 386; double 6, so 386 becomes 392Now think for a number that will multiply 392_ so that the product to be close to 84003922*2 = 7844 and 8400 - 7844 = 556, add 2 zeros to 556; 55600√385 = 19.62 ...If you want more numbers, repeat doing the same thing continuously.
MMCCXVI is the Roman numeral representation of the number 2316.
The phone number of the Windham Historical Society is: 860-456-2316.
It is 12,422,690,496.
By two?
The phone number of the Wichita County Historical Society is: 620-375-2316.
The phone number of the Blanden Memorial Art Museum is: 515-573-2316.
The phone number of the Half Moon Bay Library is: 650-726-2316.
The phone number of the San Mateo County Bookmobile is: 650-726-2316.
(520) 261-2316