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Q: What is 23.5 in expanded form 5th grade?
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0.26 = (0 x 1) + (2/10) + (6/100)

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You must use the process of "multiplication"that you learned in the 5th or 6th grade.

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0.0216 = (0 x 1) + (0/10) + (2/100) + (1/1000) + (6/10000)

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7 + 0.7 + 0.05

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i think it is 4+.100+90+6 and that is the corret answer to o k and am only in the 5th grade

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multiply all the coefficients out. imagine 2 to the 5th power. this is 2x2x2x2x2.

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simplest form is for fractions like say your teacher say write something in simplest form i learned that in 4th grade when i was 8 and know im 9 in the 5th grade

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I highly doubt it. When I was in 5th grade, we had a 5th grade dance. But not prom.

What is the grade you have to get to pass the 5th grade?

you have to be in 4th grade to pass to 5th

How do you write a number in expanded form using exponets?

ask your teacher because neither of my parents can figure it out im in fifth gradeto me its not possible Why did you answer that if you don't know the answer?! That's idiotic.I'm in 5th grade And I know the answer! An example is: 52,965= (5x104)+(2x103)+(9x102)+(6x101)+(5x100)

What are the answers to page 62 in 5th grade everyday mathematics math journal?

-- We don't have access to the questions. -- You can get all the answers by simply working the problems. -- 5th grade is awfully early to form the cheating habit.

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you CAN kiss a boy in 5th grade