A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 2325, exactly as in the question.
23.25 into a fraction = 93/423.25 = 23.25 * 100/100 = 2325/100 or 93/4 in fraction in lowest term
No, the sum of a repeating decimal and a terminating decimal is never a terminating decimal.
A terminating decimal is a decimal that ends. A repeating decimal is a decimal that goes on and on.
you divide the numerator by the denominator on you will get a decimal and you write it 00.00 that is a decimal
It is already in decimal form.
There are 435.6 square feet in one cent. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 2325 square feet is equal to 2325/435.6 = 5.34 cents.
2325 is 232500%.
600 grams is 25.81% of 2325 grams.
Expressed in 12 hour clock form, 2325 is equal to 11:25 pm.
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with some wordplay here! So, if LIVE is EVIL spelled backward, then 5232 would be 2325 backward. It's like a mirror game, flipping numbers around. So, 5232 is to 2325. Cool, right?
1, 3, 5, 15, 25, 31, 75, 93, 155, 465, 775, 2325.
All My Children - 1970 1-2325 was released on: USA: December 1978
The address of the Oldtown Salinas Foundation is: Po Box 2325, Salinas, CA 93902-2325
It is: 258 and 1/3
The address of the First Fire Truck Fund is: Po Box 2325, Morristown, TN 37816-2325
From 20:09 to 23:25 is 3 hours and 16 minutes. From the year 2009 to the year 2325 is 316 years.
two thousand, three hundred and twenty-five