23/1000 = 0.023
the correct answer for "what dose 23 hundredths look like in decimal notation is 0.23. The first place behind the decimal point is the tenths, the second is the hundredths, and the third is the thousandths
The decimal for ten and eleven thousandths is 10.011
thirty thousandths = 0.030 in decimal
567 thousandths can be written as the decimal 0.567.
23/1000 = 0.023 as a decimal
23/1000 = 0.023
23/1000 = 0.023
zero and 23 thousandths
23.002, probably.
603 thousandths as a decimal is 0.603.
the correct answer for "what dose 23 hundredths look like in decimal notation is 0.23. The first place behind the decimal point is the tenths, the second is the hundredths, and the third is the thousandths
The decimal for ten and eleven thousandths is 10.011
one thousandths = 0.001 in decimal
thirty thousandths = 0.030 in decimal
567 thousandths can be written as the decimal 0.567.
8 thousandths in decimal notation = 0.008