The differencs is 240 minus 137 equals 103
137 minus 104 is 33.
The answer will depend on the units for 240, which are not specified in the question.
500 - 240 = 260
When 35 is subtracted from 137, the answer is somewhere around 100.
The differencs is 240 minus 137 equals 103
137 minus 104 is 33.
137 - 35 = 102
240 minus 58 = 182
240 - 18 = 222
500 - 240 = 260
The answer will depend on the units for 240, which are not specified in the question.
Beta minus decay emits a positron so a proton is changed to a neutron in this process. This means that caesium 137 decays to Xenon 137
240- 180= 60