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Q: What is 242 rounded to the neatest hundred place?
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242 of 100 is 242/100, or two hundred, forty two hundredths.

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What is 242-242x1?

To completely eliminate the need to worry about what 0 x 1is, and risk confusing 0 or Undefined, you should follow PE(MD)AS. (The M and D can be either MULTIPLY or DIVIDE can be switched, depending what comes first in the order of the equation.) Thus, 242 - 242 (1) = two-hundred forty-two minus two-hundred forty-two times one 242 - 242 = two hundred forty-two minus two-hundred forty-two. 0= zero :)

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5347 =3.4881207009346770697503160043498e+242

What is the square root of 242?

Expressed as a surd in its simplest form, sqrt(242) = 11 sqrt(2). Expressed as a decimal, rounded to two decimal places, this is equal to ±15.56.

What is the square root of 242 rounded to the nearest integer?

To the nearest integer, √242 = 16. Here is how you can see that this is true: 152 = 225; 15.52 = 240.25; 162 = 256. Seeing that 242 falls between 240.25 and 256, we can see that √242 falls between 15.5 and 16. Therefore, to the nearest integer, it is 16.

How too write 242 000 in words?

242,000 = two hundred forty-two thousand.

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How do you write 72 242 in words?

seventy-two thousand, two hundred forty-two