a yardstick is used for measuring
There are 3 feet in a yardstick
Yardstick has two syllables.
a yardstick
24 is 2400 percent.
There are 36 inches in a yardstick, as a yardstick measures one yard, which is equivalent to 36 inches.
24 percent is lie 24 out of 100 so it is 24
22 percent to 24 percent = 11:12 = 22% : 24% = 11 : 12
Its 24 percent is 345.60
Two foot-long rulers taped end to end.Two thirds of a yardstick.
12.5 percent of 24 = 312.5% of 24= 12.5% * 24= 0.125 * 24= 3
0.3 percent of 8,000 is 24.