6.7277 = 6.73 (rounded off to 2 decimal places)
Yes it can - however, for calculation purposes, it is usually rounded to two decimal places.
2.49, 2.51
1.47, 1.48
When rounding 47.5 to two decimal places, we look at the third decimal place, which is 5. Since 5 is equal to or greater than 5, we round up the second decimal place by 1. Therefore, 47.5 rounded to two decimal places is 47.50.
6.7277 = 6.73 (rounded off to 2 decimal places)
It's already there.
182.63 (after rounding to two decimal places)
It is: 0.86 rounded to two decimal places
9.247 rounded to two decimals is 9.25
3.12 you've got it
Yes it can - however, for calculation purposes, it is usually rounded to two decimal places.
One talks of numbers being round up or down, for example to two places of decimals.
Two decimals that can be rounded to 4.09 are 4.085 and 4.086. When rounding to the nearest hundredth, both of these decimals round up to 4.09.